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Right to information

About right to information

Under the Right to Information Act 2009 (the RTI Act) and Information Privacy Act 2009 (the IP Act), we aim to make it quick and easy to access information we hold or control, unless granting access is not in the public interest.

Accessing information

Before applying for access to information, check if it is available on our website.

Our publication scheme tells you where to find information about us, our services, finances, priorities and policies.

Also, non-personal information that has previously been released following a Right to Information application can be found on our disclosure log.

If you are unable to find the information on our website, contact us by phone (07) 3003 9600 or email We will help you access the information through an informal administrative release process or advise if you need to apply for access under the RTI Act or IP Act.

RTI Act and IP Act applications

An application under the RTI Act will incur an application fee, and you may also need to pay processing or access charges. There is no application fee for access requests made under the IP Act.

You can apply for access under the IP Act if all of the documents you are applying for:

  • contain your personal information; or
  • contain personal information about the person on whose behalf you are authorised to apply.

We have delegated our decisions under the RTI Act and IP Act to the Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC). To apply, visit DPC's right to information page.

Applications to amend personal information

Under the IP Act, you have the right to request an amendment of personal information about you that is held by us if you believe the information is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date or misleading.

We have delegated our decisions under the IP Act to DPC. To apply, visit DPC's right to information page.

Find out more

The RTI Act and IP Act provide for access to information across government.

Find out more:

Publication scheme

Our publication scheme details information we routinely make available to the public. 

We have developed this section to give you greater access to information. You can download documents from the publication scheme, or you can make a request to access them.

Our publication scheme is grouped into the following 7 classes:

Our organisation is administered by DPC. You can access the publication scheme for DPC here.


We value your comments and any feedback you provide will be used to make improvements to our publication scheme.

If you would like to make a complaint or suggestion about the information available on the publication scheme, please email

Any personal information you provide will be used to assess and respond to your complaint and will be managed in accordance with the IP Act.

Disclosure log


Disclosure log 2022


A disclosure log provides information that has been released in response to non-personal applications made under the RTI Act.

Some or all of the documents within an application may be fully released, partially released or not released as part of the original or disclosure log decision-making process. Under the RTI Act, section 78B, information must be deleted from any document or information included in a disclosure log, including an individual's name, if the publication:

  • is prevented by law
  • would be defamatory
  • would unreasonably invade a person's privacy
  • is confidential communication by a person other than the agency
  • is protected under contract
  • would cause substantial harm to an entity.

Where pages are rendered blank as a result of decision-making processes, they are not included on the disclosure log.