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Information for drafting clients


Sending drafting instructions to OQPC

Timeframes for drafting

Client contacts


Sending drafting instructions to OQPC

To instruct OQPC to draft a Bill, amendments of a Bill or subordinate legislation, drafting instructions are sent to OQPC.

However, appropriate authority to draft must be given for the legislation before OQPC is instructed. For a Government Bill, authority to draft must be given by Cabinet, or by the Premier in advance of authority being given by Cabinet. Authority to draft for subordinate legislation may be given by Cabinet, or the relevant Minister or chief executive. This depends on the subject matter of the subordinate legislation and the governance arrangements particular to each department. See the Cabinet Handbook and Legislation Handbook for further information.

For a Bill, or amendments to a Bill, to be drafted for an individual member of Parliament, the member of Parliament must personally instruct OQPC to draft the legislation or authorise a member of staff to do so.

Drafting instructions to initiate drafting are sent to the following email address. Shortly after receiving drafting instructions, an email will be sent with a message of introduction to the drafter allocated for the legislation and the drafter's contact details.

Email new drafting instructions to—


Timeframes for drafting

Sufficient time is critical for the policy development and drafting of legislation. The following periods are generally considered to be realistic timeframes for drafting:

  • For a small Bill or item of subordinate legislation (20 pages or less): 3 months
  • For a medium Bill or item of subordinate legislation (21-90 pages): 6 months
  • For a large Bill or item of subordinate legislation (over 90 pages): 12 months.

Often a draft is required for consultation purposes. Consultation drafts must undergo OQPC’s quality assurance processes before being released. This is particularly important for drafts circulated outside the Queensland Government. Sufficient time must be factored into the drafting process to enable the draft to be settled with the instructing officer, and then to undergo quality assurance. 

OQPC is happy to advise clients about timeframes required for drafting legislation generally, and in relation to preparation of consultation drafts.

Client contacts

The delivery of legislation to meet the Government's legislative program, and drafting requested for individual members of Parliament, is managed by Deputy Parliamentary Counsel Sandra Lawson and Katy Le Roy. Sandra and Katy are available to assist government policy officers, and members of Parliament and their staff, by discussing proposals for legislation and related matters.

Sandra Lawson, Deputy Parliamentary Counsel

Sandra Lawson

Deputy Parliamentary Counsel
Legislative Program

07 3003 9661

Katy Le Roy, Deputy Parliamentary Counsel

Katy Le Roy

Deputy Parliamentary Counsel
Legislative Program

07 3003 9660


Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Department of Education

Department of Energy and Public Works

Department of Environment and Science

Department of Housing

Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water

Department of Resources

Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning

Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport

Queensland Health

Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services

Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Department of Transport and Main Roads

Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts

Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training

Queensland Corrective Services

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services

Queensland Police Service

Queensland Treasury